A strong woman stands up for herself.
A strong woman stands up for everyone.
— Janine Freeman


May Holman - Dignity and Purpose

Janine Freeman interviews Lekkie Hopkins about her book, the Magnificent Life of Miss May Holman. In the first part, Lekkie talks about May's lifelong dignity and purpose. May Holman was the first woman from the Labor Party elected to any Australian Parliament.

May Holman - May Holman and Edith Cowan

In this second part, Lekkie talks about the times of May Holman and Edith Cowan. May Holman was the first woman from the Labor Party elected to any Australian Parliament.


May Holman - To Represent and Organise

In this part, Lekkie talks about May's combination of ideological and practical talents.


May Holman - Capacity for Hard Work

Lekkie Hopkins and Janine Freeman discuss Lekkie's book "The Magnificent Life of Miss May Holman", and May Holman's talents for diplomacy, hard work and idealism.


May Holman - Knock on the Kitchen Door

Lekkie discusses the way May Holman visited her constituents: Knock on the kitchen door.

May Holman - Occupational Health and Safety

Lekkie Hopkins discusses May Holman's extraordinary Occupational Health and Safety Laws


May Holman - The Conduit

May Holman was able to bridge the worlds of her constituents around Dwellingup and the corridors of Parliament House.